
Accidental Knowledge

I find that I most often make my web discoveries through a convoluted series of chance encounters. For instance, this evening while checking the latest RSS feeds I noticed this one concerning a new book by Malcolm Gladwell:

Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger

And it sounded pretty good. So I jumped to Malcolm's website and saw the book. But actually seeing as I am taking two graduate classes myself at the moment (I should be doing work for those now...) and teaching a couple of classes, I don't have much spare time for reading. So I decided to check and see if any of Malcolm's books were available as audio books. Which took me to Amazon, and I couldn't find anything. But somewhere in there (and now I forget where) I saw a reference to a recent speech given by Malcolm. Sounds good and I ended up at:

IT Conversations: New Ideas Through Your Headphones

Which is a totally cool site with a ton of interesting audio speeches. I grabbed the Gladwell talk and registered myself on the site. And I added them to my RSS feed listings in Feed Demon so I could keep up on their latest releases. And I was back where I started.

I find myself often jumping quickly from thing to thing. For instance after that little journey I clicked the BLOGTHIS link on my Firefox tool bar and started this entry. Now back to my RSS feeds, and then back to my on line course pages at Capella University (which weren't working 15 minutes ago when I started this whole thing!)

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