
Welcome to my new Weblog

This is my second web log experience. For my first version I utilized Noah Grey's terrific Greymatter software hosted on my family web server. But it turns out that the web server is probably going by-by, and the software was starting to show its age.

I did experiment with utilizing a Greymatter blog in my class this semester, Business Operating Systems, taught at the Yale School of Drama. That class is now over, and I am waiting to see how the students responded in the course evaluations. Overall I think the experience was positive for most of them. We utilized the weblog for the first half of the class and then switched to a group project utilizing Web Collaborator.

I'll have a much longer post summarizing my perceptions of the class, and how it worked incorporating this online component.

Old Weblog: http://randy.rodenet.com/gmlog
Class Weblog: http://bin.yale.edu/~rr236
Web Collaborator: http://www.webcollaborator.com

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